Personal trainer Revie Jane welcomed her daughter last April but she has quickly regained her pre-baby figure. Thanks to just 50 MINUTES exercise per week
The proud mum took to Instagram to share her body transformation in three side-by-side photos.
The first showed Revie at nine months pregnant, the second at one-month postpartum and the third nine months after giving birth.
The mum-of-one admitted it was “tough” to share the middle photo but felt it was “important” to do so.
Opening up about her struggle to accept her figure after giving birth in a lengthy Instagram point, Revie said: “I am a coach, a healthy, active-living influencer and I was totally naïve to think what my body would look like post birth.
“I really thought, being healthy, fit and young would mean I would be like so many other mama’s I saw on Instagram who simply, had baby and looked a little bloated afterwards.
“No hate towards mama's who experience this at all – we're all amazing. It just was not my reality. To say I was shocked would be an understatement, I was confused, saddened even.
“On one hand I was on cloud nine with the best thing that’s ever happened to me and on the other I was totally devastated about the mess and havoc it left on my body.”
The stunning brunette said it’s important that women take time to come to terms with their bodily changes.
She continued: “I had a tough time accepting my postpartum body and I think it needs to be known that not all people embrace their bodies straight away.
“I was totally devastated about the mess and havoc it left on my body”Revie Jane
“Yes, I focused on the miracle I had created and no it does not mean I’m ungrateful. I love my child more than anything, but I love my body too. It’s okay to take time to adjust to these changes.
“So to help others realise the reality of some postpartum journeys, like my own, I added the During pic.
"I am so happy with my body and so proud of what it has done for me, it just took time.
“Anything is achievable even if you don’t believe in that right now, you can prove yourself wrong in the best possible way.”
To snap back into shape, Revie worked out between three and five times per week and sometimes for as little as 10 minutes.
She revealed the key to slimming down was giving the exercise her all each time.
Review said: “I feel amazing for it, mainly because my body feels strong and capable again.
“If I could go back to myself at one month postpartum, I'd say: ‘Rev, It is okay to cry, it doesn’t make you selfish. Give it time lovely, you will be able to embrace your body again. This is hard and its going to get harder but so worth it. And damn girl, be proud of what you have done, you are amazing, be kinder to yourself.’”
It’s not hard to see why the gym bunny’s jaw-dropping transformation snaps racked up more than 47,000 likes and hundreds of comments.
But Revie isn’t the only fit mum to flaunt her incredible abs on social media shortly after giving birth.
Instagram star Tammy Hembrow stunned the internet when she showed how quickly she managed to bounce back to her pre-baby body in two snaps taken just two months apart.
The Australian beauty, from Queensland, took to Instagram to display her newly svelte physique and impressively taut tum just eight weeks after being heavily pregnant.
She explained she was able to “snap back” quickly by eating plenty of veggies and protein, as well as guzzling litres of water “which helps with skin elasticity”.
The proud mum took to Instagram to share her body transformation in three side-by-side photos.
The first showed Revie at nine months pregnant, the second at one-month postpartum and the third nine months after giving birth.
The mum-of-one admitted it was “tough” to share the middle photo but felt it was “important” to do so.
Opening up about her struggle to accept her figure after giving birth in a lengthy Instagram point, Revie said: “I am a coach, a healthy, active-living influencer and I was totally naïve to think what my body would look like post birth.
“I really thought, being healthy, fit and young would mean I would be like so many other mama’s I saw on Instagram who simply, had baby and looked a little bloated afterwards.
“No hate towards mama's who experience this at all – we're all amazing. It just was not my reality. To say I was shocked would be an understatement, I was confused, saddened even.
“On one hand I was on cloud nine with the best thing that’s ever happened to me and on the other I was totally devastated about the mess and havoc it left on my body.”
She continued: “I had a tough time accepting my postpartum body and I think it needs to be known that not all people embrace their bodies straight away.
“I was totally devastated about the mess and havoc it left on my body”Revie Jane
“Yes, I focused on the miracle I had created and no it does not mean I’m ungrateful. I love my child more than anything, but I love my body too. It’s okay to take time to adjust to these changes.
"I am so happy with my body and so proud of what it has done for me, it just took time.
“Anything is achievable even if you don’t believe in that right now, you can prove yourself wrong in the best possible way.”

She revealed the key to slimming down was giving the exercise her all each time.
Review said: “I feel amazing for it, mainly because my body feels strong and capable again.
“If I could go back to myself at one month postpartum, I'd say: ‘Rev, It is okay to cry, it doesn’t make you selfish. Give it time lovely, you will be able to embrace your body again. This is hard and its going to get harder but so worth it. And damn girl, be proud of what you have done, you are amazing, be kinder to yourself.’”
It’s not hard to see why the gym bunny’s jaw-dropping transformation snaps racked up more than 47,000 likes and hundreds of comments.
Instagram star Tammy Hembrow stunned the internet when she showed how quickly she managed to bounce back to her pre-baby body in two snaps taken just two months apart.
She explained she was able to “snap back” quickly by eating plenty of veggies and protein, as well as guzzling litres of water “which helps with skin elasticity”.
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