Sophie Cachia reveals exactly what it's like to have sex to induce labour...He came from behind

The 26 year-old Australian born Blogger Sophie Cachia made a name for herself by speaking candidly about motherhood, but Sophie Cachia – a.k.a the Young Mummy – has just got very open about sex-induced labour.
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In a new blog post, the Australian woman revealed in graphic detail the process of the birth of her second child.

Sophie revealed that when she was 40 weeks pregnant she was “done” and wanted to get the baby out – and her husband was just the man to help.
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Aim to have sex every other day - If you ejaculate very regularly (say, daily), the testes cannot keep up sperm production fast enough, so fewer sperm are in the semen.

Sophie wrote: “I instructed Jaryd to go into the bathroom for some alone time with himself and his… hand. They say that sex brings on a baby, when in fact I learnt it’s actually the semen itself that can have an impact.

“Semen contains natural prostaglandins which help to ripen, or soften, the cervix and cause it to open.

“Additionally, the hormone that causes contractions is oxytocin, which is the same hormone that is released during orgasm.”
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Sophie continued: “Let’s be brutally honest, there was more chance of me farting and shooting the baby out pain free than there was of me having an orgasm this heavily pregnant, so his swimmers were going to have to do!

“Sex was literally the last thing on my mind, so as I got in position on hands and knees, whilst eating an apple and watching Suits, Jaryd came from behind and did what he needed to do. Literally.”
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But did it work? According to Sophie it did as around midnight she began to have contractions and by the morning she was in labour.

However, studies have shown that having sex to induce labour can actually do the opposite.
One study found that women who have sex at full term were less likely to go into spontaneous labour than those who abstained.

This finding was seconded by a study out of the US that found there were no significant cervical changes between women who were sexually active at 40 weeks pregnant and those who were not.
